We find homes for many stray dogs and for pets that have been mindlessly abandoned by their owners. Our sole objective is to give love and care to animals and for this we need all your support. This is a big task and while we are doing all we can, you too need to do your bit.

Once we treat the dogs and treat their injuries we want dogs to be rehabilitated as keeping every street dog at Krishna Ashram is not practically possible. We wish to train society /welfare organizations / NGOs in street dog rehabilitation programme.


Care Packages that you can choose:

You can donate money to:

  • Treat the street dogs and puppies against Fleas/Ticks and Mange to prevent them getting life- threatening infections.
  • Help us supply a generous amount of dog food in Delhi and NCR area for distribution to dogs.
  • Provide them basic medical treatment and assistance.

D-3A, Rita Villa, Satbari, New Delhi - 110030

Phone: 011 - 2665 3341

Email: info@krishnaashram.com

Registration Under Society Registration Act,
XXI of 1860

Registration No. 47195 of 2003

We Provide homes for dogs that have no home... please help us make them look loving so that people will adopt them. Please donate what you can, drop off dog-food or offer to find a home for a dog in a most beneficial way.

So please get in touch with us if you have a query or comment and we will try to resolve it as best as we can. You can also write to us or send us an email.

Donate Here

To be a part of this Mission,

Stop Abuse! Stop Suffering! Stop Hunger!

So please get in touch with us if you have a query or comment and we will try to resolve it as best as we can. You can also write to us or send us an email.